New Zealand Travel Bubble – PAUSED. New Zealand will close the quarantine-free trans-Tasman travel bubble for 8 weeks following Australia’s recent coronavirus  Delta outbreak.

As a result, quarantine-free travel from Australia will be suspended from 11.59 pm Friday, July 23 (NZ time).

NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the suspension “will be in place for at least the next eight weeks,” and would be subject to review.

Air New Zealand will operate managed return flights for New Zealand citizens from all Australian states and territories over the next week. These will require proof of a negative pre-departure test, with additional quarantine and isolation measures for returnees from NSW and VIC on arrival.

If you need any help or clarification on travel to New Zealand call our Corporate Team on 1300 889 360 or email [email protected]


We are getting ready for the first day of two-way quarantine-free travel between Australia and New Zealand this coming Monday 19 April, with more than 5,000 passengers expected to travel on the day to be reunited with whanau and friends with 30 flights operating to/from Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, the Gold Coast and Perth and Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch!

Please see below a list of entry requirements for both New Zealand and Australia to ensure your customers are ready for their trans-Tasman travel.

To be eligible to travel to New Zealand on a quarantine-free flight, customers must:

  • Meet standard Immigration requirements for New Zealand as found here.
  • Have been in New Zealand or Australia for 14 days prior to travel.
  • During the 14-day period before travel, not had a positive COVID-19 test (or if they have, they must have written advice from a health practitioner that they are no longer infectious).
  • Not be awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test that was undergone during the 14-day period.
  • Complete a Travel Declaration form prior departure.
  • Answer a set of health declaration questions at check-in.
  • Customers will not be able to travel if they have cold or flu symptoms as follows:
    • New or worsening cough
    • Fever (at least 38 degrees Celsius)
    • Sore throat
    • Shortness of breath
    • Runny nose
    • Loss of sense or smell
  • Customers with pre-existing conditions which display like cold or flu symptoms (e.g. hay fever) must provide medical evidence in a form of medical certificate or letter from doctor confirming the existing condition at check-in to avoid being denied boarding.
  • Customers are not required to present a negative COVID-19 pre-departure test when travelling quarantine-free to New Zealand.
  • Download the COVID-19 tracing app and show this upon arrival into New Zealand.

Please note, the New Zealand Government has signalled that if there are community cases of COVID-19 in Australia and flights are paused, it may require people travelling to or returning to New Zealand to get tested for COVID-19 before travelling.

Visit the New Zealand Government website for the most up to date information about quarantine-free travel to New Zealand.


Check-in times for trans-Tasman flights

We would like to advise agents of the following check-in time for trans-Tasman flights.
·       International – 3 hours prior to departure, with the exception to the first flight of the day where International check-in opens at 3.45am.·       When travelling from a regional New Zealand airport to connect with a flight to Australia – 2 hours prior to departure.