Embark on an unparalleled journey to the ends of the Earth with Quark Expeditions! With over three decades of expertise and a passionate team of seasoned polar experts, Quark Expeditions invites you to explore some of the most remote and captivating destinations on the planet.
Secure your spot on an unforgettable Arctic voyage with a rare 50% discount!
From thrilling wildlife encounters to awe-inspiring landscapes of ice and snow, Quark Expeditions and its seasoned polar experts have dedicated over three decades to polar adventures, ensuring you have the experience of a lifetime.
- A range of daily excursions with our Expedition Team
- Daily presentations from skilled polar experts
- Free loan of muck boots so you don’t need to pack in luggage
- Complimentary alcoholic beverages with dinner
- A digital photographic journal of stunning polar images
- Never more than 7 guests for every expedition guide
- The Official Quark Expeditions’ Parka to take home
- Premium dining, with a variety of options and dietary preferences
- Pre-voyage hotel night
- A video slideshow memory of your trip
Don’t hesitate – Book now and Immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of the polar regions. Contact us to know more.
* Terms and conditions apply. Credit card surcharges may apply. The sale is time-limited and capacity-controlled. Our Travel Managers will happily explain all conditions and inclusions when you contact us.
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take off?
p. 1300 130 464
e. [email protected]